Saturday, September 27, 2008


When I was young, I wanted to be a astronomer/scientist. The heavens and stars have always attracted me. I have been interested mainly due to astronomer Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996). I have also read book written by Stephen Hawkings which explained the current physics of astronomy in simple terms. Among theories I could still remember include:-

(i) The relationship between mass and velocity. It is not possible for a matter to reach the velocity of light because the mass would be altered to almost infinity.

(ii) Time can be slowed if a mass is travelling at velocity close to velocity of light. But it did not say time can be reversed.

(iii) Theory of big bang. But what comes before big bang??? Scientist tries to explain that time come into play only when big bang occurs. Time is man made. Dispelling the concept of time, but what will be the space before big bang?

(iv) 3 dimension can be twisted by phenomenon known as black hole where even light cannot escape the gravity pulled.

(v) Expanding universe may come to an end due to gravity which pull the universe back to a collapse point when another big bang may occur again.

(vi) It had not explained why matter had existed in the first place.

(vii) Earth may one day be gobbled by the Sun when it aged.

Astronomy has always been historically filled with errors, eg Earth is the centre of Sun and inadequacy of theory, eg Newton laws. Perhaps, 1 day, there will be a new theory to dis-proof the above.
(Note: The photograph shows the stars above Tioman Island. Taken in RAW and subsequently adjusted for brightness. ISO 800 on cloudy night. The brightest body is likely a planet).

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