Saturday, December 14, 2013

Noodle at Kebun Bahru Market

A few days ago, I was at Kebun Bahru Market. There was a queue formed at a noodle shop facing the road. I joined the queue as it must be a good food stall and ordered a bowl of $4 noodle. The noodle was served in a ceramic bowl and came with a bowl of soup. The serving of the noodle was small and insufficient for an adult. There were a few pieces of fried pork fat in the noodle.

However the worth of the this shop comes from the bowl of soup. It was sweet and tasty with ingredients such as pork meat ball, pork slides and egg. I had initially thought that the tastiness of the soup came from MSG (monosodium glutagate). I am senstive to MSG and will feel thirsty if too much MSG was added. However, surprisingly, I did not feel the presence of too much MSG. The soup must have been cooked through long hours of brewing to achieve that tastiness.

I did not like the taste of the chilli padi that accompanied the food. It tasted sour and vinegar was added.

Overall if you like tasty soup, you would like the food from this stall. But be prepared to get hungry soon as the serving was small.

The name of the shop was 新建兴.