Friday, June 1, 2018

My Thoughts on Malaysia GE14

It is indeed a shocking win by Parkatan Harapan in Malaysia Election on 9 May 2018. It is a significant historical event for Malaysia and may affect politics in Singapore.  This is similar to the US election 2016 where the media and political expert failed miserably in predicting the outcome of who will be the winner. This is due to flaw survey methodology and inability to predict human behavior prior to the actual election. There are signs though.

The DAP (Democratic Action Party) is finally able to govern together with other political parties forming the Parkatan Harapan. Historically, the DAP was formed by members of PAP and the principle of meritocracy, equality and fairness should prevail, although the deeply rooted corruption may be entrenched and would take immense political will to change. Look at China.  Parti Keadilan Rakyat is however famous for its 'reformasi' (reform) slogan.

I hope Malaysia will not be another Singapore. It will loose its character if it focuses on economical excellence.

Of course Tun Mahathir is not a simple person, historically. From Anwar imprisonment, his handling of Asian financial crisis, pulling the plug on CLOB, attitude towards Singapore etc. A leopard can't change its spots.

Recent days have seen the Finance Minister Mr Lim announcing that Malaysia is in debt by 1 Trillion Ringgit. That is not a small sum. It is a 1 with 12 zeros behind. He knows that he should avoid printing money as a means of solving the debt issue. Fortunately, Malaysia is blessed with oil and palm resources. He should consider attracting investor to invest in Malaysia, something which Mr Lim is familiar from managing Penang.

Every means of attracting foreign monies should be considered. Malaysia neighbor is Singapore. Singaporean are known to spend their economic wealth across the causeway. The present government should seriously consider means of increasing such inflow of a strong currency. Every dollar spent has its multiplying effect. Policy change may include making it easier at the custom for Singaporeans to clear immigration. Reduction in tax on entry. Allowing Singaporeans VISA entry to Malaysia to be extended to say 3 months, especially for retirees. Facilitating purchase of property and vehicle. Improving security for foreigners. Protecting foreigner interest (removing the fear from the hard hand solution implemented during Asian financial crisis). Over long term, such expenditure in Malaysia would create employment. A win-win situation.

Singapore and Malaysia was once a single country.