Sunday, August 9, 2015

SG50 - National Day 2015

Singapore celebrates SG50 today. We have achieved 50 years of outstanding growth and development since independence on 9 Aug 1965.

While we celebrate our golden jubilee, there are certain things I hope Singapore can achieve in the future:-

(1) Better policies on car ownership.  Example: Pay base on car usage. Do not overtax the burden of car ownership in Singapore.
(2) Better policies on classic car ownership. Example: Reduce road tax on classic cars. Giving car owners opportunity to continue driving car beyond 10 years. Currently there are disincentives to owning cars beyond 10 years.
(3) Better relationship and integration between Singapore and Malaysia. The KL Singapore high speed rail is a good start.
(4) More social development. Not by building more social hard infrastructure but through better social behaviors from individuals. This will need time to change through education but hopefully some day it will happen. Nothing starts better than from thyself.
(5) Be alert on some of the global environmental changes that could affect Singapore. These includes volcanoes eruption, climate change, pollution, raising sea level.
(6) A better work life balance in which citizens can take a step back to enjoy the fruit of success. More inclusive of citizens who can't take the stress (drop out of the corporate race), are old and slower learners. Citizens who wish to excel can continue to do so in a conducive environment.
(7) Less focus on management, more focus on engineering and sciences.

I wish Singapore peace/stability and achieving sustainable growth.

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