Monday, June 5, 2017

New York - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Built between 1919 - 1924

Deep inside the Federal Reserve Bank of New York lies more than one quarter of the world's know reserves of gold bullion. These tens of billions of dollars worth of gold bars, each numbered and weighed, are stored five stories underground in 122 compartments in a vault closed with a steel door weighting 90 tons. Most of the gold at the Federal Reserve belongs to foreign governments and international organisations. They store their gold here for three reasons: first, the bank's location in the heart of the US financial center; second, its unrivaled security; and third, the ease of trading when many countries keep their gold in the same building. As countries originally made payments to each other, gold bars could simple be wheeled from one country's vault to the next - no need crate them for long ocean voyages, no fear of disaster at sea.
........ extracted from a street display showing information on the Federal Reserve Bank

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