Thursday, November 11, 2021

Pfizer Vaccine

I had my first dose of Pfizer Vaccine in July 2021. The first dose has side effect. On the same night of the injection, there was chest pain. The chest pain was substantially felt for 3 days. After 3 days, the pain began to subside. But it didn't fully go away. In fact, after 3 months, I still feel slight discomfort.

Due to the chest pain, I was in Hospital for observation, had ECG done that showed my heart was pumping normally, as the fear then was whether myocarditis had set in. During my short stay in hospital, I noticed that there were other patients who had the same chest pain. The questions then wer why was this not massively publicized? And why it happened?

The first answer is probably due to the strategy to encourage a large population to be vaccinated. More publicity of negative side effects would lead to fear among people. As to why it happened, I read that mRNA vaccine creates antibodies as a immune response. As part of the properties of these antibodies, they would attack the virus if found. Concurrently, they would also attack healthy cells, thus causing inflammation. This would likely be the reason why chest pain was felt. 

Not everyone who had taken the vaccine have the same side effect as each body is differently built.

Due to the chest pain, I had to visit a cardiologist and had a Stress Test done on my heart. The Stress Test is to assess whether my hear is functioning properly by increasing the heart rate to 143 bpm. Fortunately, it is healthy. I was given my second dose of my Pfizer Vaccine in November, more than 3 months since the first dose. Other than a slight headache and tiredness on the following day post vaccination, there was no major chest pain. 

The endemic approach would mean that vaccination is a solution to reduce the risk of illness and death due to Covid 19. 

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