Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Virus of the Century - Covid


I am tested positive of Covid Omicron virus. 2.5 years after Covid virus was first detected in Wuhan.

The details of my infection are as follow:-

Day 0 - ART negative.

Day 1 - Rashes started to appear on my right and left arm

Day 2 - Sneezing, soar throat, slight fever (37 to 38 degree Celsius), headache, runny nose. All are rather mild symptoms, which are consistent with Omicron variant. My 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine was injected in Nov 2021. Some 7 months later, I have the real virus infection.

Day 3 - ART positive. Went to see a doctor and was prescribed with a few medicine to treat the symptoms.

Understand that sneezing is unique only to those who had taken the vaccine. Strangely, I have no lost of taste and smell. Food continues to taste good.

The question is whether a booster is required after natural infection. My view is probably yes, but to be taken at least 5 to 6 months later after the last day of ART positive. 

I am 99% certainty that the virus came from a family member who was also infected. In a home setting, the removal of mask poses a higher risk.

Under current protocol, I am required to isolate myself for 3 days and do a ART again. If negative, I am able to resume my normal activity. If positive, continue with isolation.

What I am worry now is the prevalence of Long Covid among infected patient.

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