Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tokyo Asakusa

Asakusa Shrine

Asakusa Shrine 2

Asakusa Shrine 1

The photos above were unedited other than adding copyright note. They were taken in the evening in Asakusa where there were fewer people and a cooler weather. As I did not bring along my travelling bag, the photos were taken with my iPhone 7.  I was pretty impressed with the camera of iPhone. Just look at how brilliant the red colour of the shrine was and how sharp the photos were. Beautiful! While there were many negative comments comparing iPhone and other Android phones in technical specifications, to me it is the output that matters. Despite a simple single lens camera, it was able to produce result comparable, if not better, than my Sony APS-C (A6000) camera even at dim night conditions. The price of iPhone is of course a premium over Android phones, but the overall user satisfaction is still guaranteed with a iPhone. That is after more than 2 years owning the iPhone 7.

I have been to Asakusa many years ago, but this is the first time I have been there at night with not so many people and the weather was cooling. The experience was magnificent.

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