Monday, July 11, 2016

Guangzhou Part 3 - Ship with Canvas Sail

Canton Waterfront painted in 1845, Guangzhou Museum.

 Replica of a ship with canvas sail (帆船), Guangzhou Museum

Contribution from overseas Chinese from Canton, Guangzhou Museum

My paternal grandmother came from Xin Hui, Canton Province prior to WWII.

She came to seek better fortune and livelihood in South East Asia(南洋) and eventually landed in Singapore.

In Guangzhou Museum, there was a large section that showed the contribution of people from Guang Dong Province(Canton) who travelled world wide for the purpose of work and supporting families back home. In display was this large replica of a ship with canvas sail (帆船). It is the basic mode of transport prior to the war. Probably, it took a month to sail from Canton to South East Asia. In present day, an airplane will take 4 hours. My grandmother had taken the canvas sail ship to travel.

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