Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Guangzhou Part 5 - Jade

Jade Market in Guangzhou
Guangzhou has a market dedicated to selling Jade jewelry and accessories. It is located close to 长寿路 station along the 长寿 西路 . There are many shops selling all sorts of jade made accessories. The only issue is finding the right price. For those who are familiar with jade, the quality is classified into 3 grades, A, B and C. A being the most original jadeite rock. B has been processed and C has been bleached. An illustration of B and C grades is shown as display in Guangzhou museum. C grade jade can be in the price range of US$50 to US$500. Grade B is probably US$500 to thousands. Grade A can cost more than US$5000. While the variety is there, the question is how to establish the price without knowing which grade.

Jade B and C grade, Guangzhou Museum
Jadeite Rock, Guangzhou Museum

While in Guangzhou, I was looking for a jade traditional Chinese stamp (印章). I walked around 长寿 西路 and found that the price could be from RMB1500 to RMB 2500 for a stamp with a dragon carving on top.  In the end, I found a RMB500 jade Chinese stamp. This was found after walking round the shops in the rain. After purchasing the jade, I had to find a carving master to carve my name on the jade. A shop which I asked quoted RMB400 and needed a few days. I walked away and was fortunately to find one craftsman in the Airport who was willing to carve on the jade for RMB100.  Finding the right price and avoiding being exploited are keys to getting the right jade pieces.  The trick is to make comparison.

Guangzhou is the centre of jade trade because of the huge demand from the Chinese. These jade were mined in neighbouring Myanmar and were bought over by traders.

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